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Ship Flat Acrylic Brochure Holder

Product number: 79.0007.9
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The Ship Flat Acrylic Brochure Holder is a letter size brochure holder made from clear plastic. This flyer holder ships flat and assembles easily by slotting the pieces together and securing the tabs with the included O-ring rubber bands. Also called a pamphlet holder or a literature stand, this clear brochure holder features a generous 1.25" filling depth for displaying your 8.5" x 11" promotional materials. Its transparent construction puts the spotlight on your content, making this brochure stand perfect for retail stores, car dealerships, reception desks, healthcare facilities and more. 

Custom Printing Available

We can print your logo or other custom graphics directly onto the Ship Flat Acrylic Brochure Holder. Contact us for custom printing options.
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