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Plastic Hang Tab for Clothes Hangers

Product number: 78.0028.1
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Plastic Hang Tabs for Clothes Hangers are a practical, economical solution for retailers looking to display pricing and other information for clothing items.

Designed to easily slide over clothes hangers, these plastic hang tabs allow for quick and efficient product pricing directly over the item. Made from durable, transparent PVC plastic, these round hole hang tabs are built to withstand regular handling without compromising the visibility of the clothing. 

Plastic hang tabs provide a cohesive, streamlined look that works well across different sections of a store, from casual wear to seasonal displays. Your price tag slides into the side of the hang tab. 

The hang tab can also be used for coat checks, prominently displaying the coat check number directly on the clothes hanger for the customer's coat, jacket or other checked item. The 2" by 2" display size on the hang tab makes it easy for workers to spot the number they are looking for.

The Plastic Hang Tabs for Clothes Hangers are sold in packs of 10, making them the perfect solution for clothing stores, bars, theaters, nightclubs and more.
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