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Extended Countertop Sneeze Shield

Product number: 79.0039.1
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The Extended Countertop Sneeze Guard is a safety screen that mounts easily to desks or countertops using the adhesive tape on its two attachable feet. It is easy to install and does not require any tools. Just peel the tape off the included grippers and attach the shield to the work area. The sneeze shield is made from light weight Coroplast that can be easily cleaned with warm soapy water or a soft cloth. It measures 23.75” wide and 31.75” high, including a 6” overhang on the edge of the shield.

The Extended Countertop Sneeze Guard works great as a desk or countertop divider in high-traffic areas or stations where employees work closely together. The opaque white construction provides a sense of privacy between workstations and is ideal for offices, banks, front desks and more, or anywhere that requires social distancing and protection from coughs and sneezes.

Custom Printing Available

We can print your logo or custom design on the Extended Countertop Sneeze Guard. Contact us for more information.

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