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bannergear™ Wall System

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The patented bannergear™ Wall System makes installing your indoor or outdoor banner easier than ever. Banners can be changed within minutes by a single individual, and if the bottom of the frame is within 4 feet of the ground, they can even be changed from ground level without using ladders or lifting equipment.

Your banner is attached to the wire cable inside of the frame using carabiner hooks. The banner is then stretched into place inside the frame using a crank that is attached to an access hole near the bottom of the frame. Then the crank is removed from the frame and the access hole is covered with the included cap screw. To change your banner, lower the banner using the crank, unhook the banner, attach the new one, and crank the new banner into place. Banners are not included.

The bannergear™ frame is made from silver anodized aluminum and heavy duty galvanized steel that resists rust and fading and can be secured to the wall. 

Custom Sizes Available

Are you looking for a custom sized bannergear™ Wall System? Contact us!

Custom Printing Available

We can custom print your banner for the bannergear™ Wall System. Contact us!
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Pricing Banner Size Product number Item Price
48" x 72" 48" x 72" 15.0262.36 $ 2289.58 per set view Article »
48" x 84” 48" x 84” 15.0262.37 $ 2344.09 per set view Article »
48" x 96” 48" x 96” 15.0262.38 $ 2427.47 per set view Article »
96” x 144” 96” x 144” 15.0262.39 $ 3006.81 per set view Article »
108” x 216” 108” x 216” 15.0262.40 $ 3310.38 per set view Article »
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