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Adjustable Cable Hanging System

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The Adjustable Cable Hanging System is a versatile tool for hanging posters, banners and other displays from the ceiling. It includes a 118" long nylon cable that can be adjusted to your preferred length by feeding the ends through the spring-release adjustment discs and snipping the cables to length. There are options for hanging from wood, cement and drop ceilings. The Adjustable Cable Hanging System is a dependable system for hanging posters, dividers and other displays in retail stores, offices, warehouses, grocery stores and more. It is sold in packs of 10 pieces (5 sets).
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Pricing Mounting Product number Item Price
for concrete and wooden ceilings for concrete and wooden ceilings 84.0076.1 $ 124.31 per pack view Article »
for drop ceilings for drop ceilings 84.0076.2 $ 108.13 per pack view Article »
for eyelets for eyelets 84.0076.3 $ 102.39 per pack view Article »
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