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Acrylic Bottle Presenter

Product number: 79.0069.1
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The acrylic bottle holder is a clear acrylic bottle stand with two cutouts for securely displaying a bottle. Made from durable, clear acrylic, it displays bottles of different sizes at an optimal viewing angle. The angled front lip lets you display the bottle holder at the front edge of a shelf, table or countertop, and the acrylic can be easily maintained with a dry, clean brush, soap and water, or a non-abrasive cleaner.

The acrylic bottle display is the perfect choice for showcasing wine bottles and other spirits at liquor stores, restaurants, bars, hotels and grocery stores. It can also be branded with your logo on the front of the bottle display. Contact us for custom printing options.

Custom sizes available

We can make the Acrylic Bottle Presenter in custom sizes. Contact us!
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